How Often Should You Replace Your Bedding?
Bedding is an integral part of our bedroom as well as our life as more than half of our day is usually spent on it. More over it gives us so much comfort and makes us sleep peacefully after a hectic and tiring day.
On the other hand, our bedding can also trap a lot of sweat particles, dead skin, dust mites and bacteria. This is the reason why bedding should be washed regularly but it should also be replaced once in a while.
The question now is that often should we replace our bedding? So, let’s just dive straight in to it.
According to experts, it is best to change our pillows every one to two years. This is because the pillows usually lose their structure after two years of regular use and they tend to trap a lot of bacteria which can lead to allergic reactions.
Within the two years of usage, it is also important to take care of the pillows by plumping them up every morning so that the filling is equally distributed within the pillow. We can also wash them in a washing machine followed by a tumble dry.
Also, purchase a good quality pillow such as duck feather pillow filling for a longer life.
The life of the duvet depends on the quality of it, but according to recent studies, our duvet fillings should be replaced every five years if used regularly.
If the filling gets clumped in one place, gets torn or become very thin, then it can be replaced in less then five years as a compressed duvet traps heat.
To elongate the life of duvet, try opting for good quality duvet fillings such as down & feather duvet filling or micro fiber duvet filling.
Bedsheets are supposed to be replaced after two years as the sheets tend to face a lot of wear and tear if used and washed regularly. The sheets also tend to fade or become yellowish.